Siege at Hawthorn Lake Murder on the Mountain edition by Paul G Buckner Jody Kirchner Literature Fiction eBooks

Siege at Hawthorn Lake Murder on the Mountain edition by Paul G Buckner Jody Kirchner Literature Fiction eBooks
This one is worth writing a review for. Excellent read. Realistic, knowledgeable. Great descriptions of friendship, hunting techniques, action on snowmobiles, dealing with hypothermia and cold snow conditions. The woods come alive. The men are fit, balanced, courageous and loyal. The sheriff is helpful and reasonable. I liked the native american and competent. Quite a tribe of hairy bigfoots, not over the top insanely violent but territorial and ticked off when some of their kin are killed. The story moves smoothly and quickly with a lot of action and holds the reader's attention throughout. Long enough to give a satisfying read. I was really glad the author didn't need to include profanity or sex or extreme violence or a large bloody body count to make the story interesting. Bigfoot is a great satisfying non-occult creature feature boogyman.Not sure if he will ever prove to be real, but great fun to consider the possibility. Safely, of course, behind closed doors. Anyway, kudos to this author, hope he will give us another good read or reads down the road.

Tags : Siege at Hawthorn Lake: Murder on the Mountain - Kindle edition by Paul G Buckner, Jody Kirchner. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Siege at Hawthorn Lake: Murder on the Mountain.,ebook,Paul G Buckner, Jody Kirchner,Siege at Hawthorn Lake: Murder on the Mountain,Fiction Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology,Fiction Native American & Aboriginal
Siege at Hawthorn Lake Murder on the Mountain edition by Paul G Buckner Jody Kirchner Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
The characters in this book wer.e all very believable. I could see the three friends going to school,playing football, and enjoying life. There were no negatives ,for me ,in this book. This book would be perfect for anyone that likes non-stop action...believable situations and suspense. I gave the rating of 5 stars because I did not want to put it down....I couldn't wait to see what happened next. I loved this book......good job!
What a thriller! Excellent suspense. The second best Creature thriller I have ever read. There were a few spelling errors and sentence structure issues in the last few chapters but the author may have gotten caught up in the adrenaline rush and missed it.
Love reading Native American authors because of the realism and passion that comes thru to the reader.
Page numbers would have been nice but not a hindrance.
Loved the book and looking for more from this author.
Finally someone has written a book with a decent plot and action/adventure including Bigfoot. You don't have to believe that Sasquatch exist to enjoy this book (remember, it's a work of fiction) but it was a good adventure involving some friends hunting out in the woods who encounter something they never believed existed. I think this is the author's first novel, (self-published via create space?) and I hope a publisher picks him up because he has talent. If you read authors like William Kent Krueger, Craig Johnson, C.J. Box, or Joseph Heywood, you'll probably enjoy this. Mr. Buckner's writing may not be at their level yet, but the story was good and the characters interesting. I look forward to future books from this author and I sincerely hope he develops into a best selling author. As a first novel, this was great.
I am neither related to the author nor asked to write this review. I purchased this to read at my cabin in the middle of nowhere and am glad I read it in my small town instead. If I would have read this at my cabin, I probably would have drove the 5 hours home after reading it, it was that suspenseful and scary. This was fast paced and when I started reading, it was hard to put down. The author was descriptive, I felt like I was there. I could feel the cold and snow. I felt bonded to the characters. Many times I read books where I could care less what happens to the characters, in this I felt for the characters and wanted them to survive. The siege was violent and scary. There is one part that describes this bigfoot moving under the snow to get to the cabin. OMG! I thought the author did a great job of making you feel like you were there. I hope he writes more books, I will definitely read them. I am 55 years old and this is probably the first time a book has scared me since I was 15. Good job. Will be heading to my cabin in two days, will be extra cautious in the woods. Thanks for the scare!
This review was first published on Kurt's Frontier.
Troy Turner is a writer looking to enjoy a peaceful life in his lakeside cabin. He is an hour’s drive from the Rocky Mountain town of Hawthorn. Hawthorn is a ski resort town. This is a dream home for him. Nestled in a forested valley, it offers great fishing and hunting. Troy invites his old college buddies, Craig and Phil, to spend few weeks.
The beauty of the Rocky Mountains can lull people into a false sense of security. Troy, Craig, and Phil are attacked by something big and powerful. Troy ends up in unconscious in a hospital bed. Upon recovering, he tells an unbelievable story of being attacked by the mythical Sasquatch. The sheriff dismisses the story, and Troy ends up in jail for murder.
After Troy is released on bail, the sheriff begins to think there is more going on than meets the eye. Troy, the sheriff, and some unlikely allies find themselves under siege.
I must admit a guilty pleasure. I am fascinated by stories of Sasquatch and its various cousins. These are creatures of terrifying strength and a remarkable cunning. Assuming, of course, that the tales are true, which many people still doubt.
Be that as it may, Siege at Hawthorn Lake is a tale of man (and a few women) against a force of nature that is not happy. Troy Turner has bought a cabin in the middle of the wilderness. (I’m already jealous.) There is a lake for fishing. During hunting season, this is an ideal location for deer of various types. There are incidents. The occasional thrown rock, or upright figure darting out of sight. Troy invites two friends up for a few weeks of hunting. That’s when things start to happen. The story quickly becomes and an action-packed page-turner.
This one is worth writing a review for. Excellent read. Realistic, knowledgeable. Great descriptions of friendship, hunting techniques, action on snowmobiles, dealing with hypothermia and cold snow conditions. The woods come alive. The men are fit, balanced, courageous and loyal. The sheriff is helpful and reasonable. I liked the native american and competent. Quite a tribe of hairy bigfoots, not over the top insanely violent but territorial and ticked off when some of their kin are killed. The story moves smoothly and quickly with a lot of action and holds the reader's attention throughout. Long enough to give a satisfying read. I was really glad the author didn't need to include profanity or sex or extreme violence or a large bloody body count to make the story interesting. Bigfoot is a great satisfying non-occult creature feature boogyman.
Not sure if he will ever prove to be real, but great fun to consider the possibility. Safely, of course, behind closed doors. Anyway, kudos to this author, hope he will give us another good read or reads down the road.

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