Generation X 20172018 #1 eBook Christina Strain Amilcar Pinna Terry Dodson

The Xavier Institute for Mutant Education and Outreach has opened its doors and is ready to foster the next generation of heroes and diplomats! But this time around, the X-Men recognize an unfortunate truth not all mutants are created equal. Some mutants are not made to fight Sentinels or serve as ambassadors on behalf of their kind. Some mutants will just be lucky to survive another day in a world that hates and fears them. And who better to mentor mutantkind's lovable losers than perpetual sidekick Jubilee? But will Jubilee and GENERATION X survive the experience??
Generation X 20172018 #1 eBook Christina Strain Amilcar Pinna Terry Dodson
As an original Gen X fan I was excited to see this series resurface and had hoped that it would redeem the sad decline that the original series had taken towards the end. Unfortunately this misses the mark in so many ways. The concept is great, and the series brings back some classic Gen X members, but those are the only positives. The writing is blah and is only made worse by the horrible pencils. Even if you’re a fan of the original, I would still say to pass on this.Product details

Tags : Generation X (2017-2018) #1 eBook: Christina Strain, Amilcar Pinna, Terry Dodson: Kindle Store,ebook,Christina Strain, Amilcar Pinna, Terry Dodson,Generation X (2017-2018) #1,Marvel
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Generation X 20172018 #1 eBook Christina Strain Amilcar Pinna Terry Dodson Reviews
This is a spectacular series. The essence of the X-Men has always been outcasts and it's so brilliant that this series focuses on the outcasts of the outcasts. The characters feel real but still thoroughly fun and lighthearted. There's a great deal of love and knowledge for previous X-Men books here but it's also telling its own unique story all its own. This is the successor to Jason Aaron's Wolverine and the X-Men that I've been waiting for but it pays tribute to many other X-Men books that I've loved in recent years. If you feel like X-Men books have forgotten how to have fun then give this one a go!
This book collects the first six issues of this series, which looks at the goings-on in and around the Xavier Institute, concentrating on the affairs of the school and its pupils (and teachers), while the X-Men get on with their stuff over in their own book. Apart from Professor K, there is little visible crossover, which means that the writer can get on with stories unconstrained by big-name character continuity.
As far as continuity goes, however, basically everything and everyone is rounded-up from previous X-titles who are not involved in the ‘main’ ones, with Jubilee as the responsible adult, and a horde of X-kids on the rampage – including Quentin Quire. As well as some new mutants, there are all sorts of regulars back in the spotlight, from previous school-based series.
I picked this up not expecting to find anything interesting, and was trampled by the fun, continuity and sheer entertainment that poured out of it. I frequently quote Steve Englehart (I hope) as saying that “there are no bad characters, only bad writers”; and this book proves it (which is unfortunate, as I really didn’t think much of the latest (volume 2) of X-Men Gold).
I want to love this title and I do however I'm noticing that its sorta going the way of Wolverine and the least with WXM we had over twenty good titles before ty started gettingboverly silly...the art started to kinda go downhill and the introduction of characters(the were shark and the lobster dude and Snot!!!) All kind of hinted to Mr that WXM was fitting to end and it did. I've noticed that already Generation X is doing this and I hope it doesn't mean its not gonna last! Anyway now for the positives as a gay guy I love the Quentin quire love triangle and also can I say that I was 14 when I saw Hindsight lad in New Warriors๐๐....I wish I aged the way he does cuz I'm 33 and apparently he's a college sophomore! Lmao! Anyway love the book but am a little bit peeved that I pay 3.99 per issue and could just wait til every sixth issue and get it for 6$ on ?!? That's wack!!! But love the direction and everythinelse!
What a damn shame this series was just cancelled by Marvel. This is an amazing comic that is progressive and so full of character. This may take my top spot for best current x-book from All New Wolverine.
Of the new X-books, this is the one I liked the most and, of course, its canceled. While there is a some overlap with main X-men Blue and X-men Gold as well as call backs to the 90s Generation X team, it was nice to see teen mutants in a school that were not time-displaced classic X-men or children of Claremont characters. The Character continuity here is mostly from other the 90s Generation X, The Grant Morrison run on X-men, or Jason Scott's Wolverine and the X-Men. The vampire mommy Jubilee is aged nicely from her early 90s incarnation and Chamber is aged up from classic Generation X. Strain's handling of LGTBQ characters is nice in that it doesn't call attention to itself, and characterizations are great, but the plotting is weak and at times approaches silly. Kid Omega/Quinten Quire is suitably powerful and obnoxious and the new characters start to flesh out through the arc here. The art, however, is inconsistent and feels too deliberately "teen." It has a similar feel to the a lot of the younger reader aimed books Marvel has pushed out recently but it doesn't work with the comic.
I used tomread the originalmtitle back in the 90s. It was one of my favorites because of the humor and storylines. This series pays homage while still maintaining originality! Love the charaters and the fan service! Has me laughing out loud at times! Don't miss this collection!
I really liked the writing but I wish this title fully embraced the name and included Chamber, Husk & M as well, instead of including them much later. The art.. while not terrible, is not exactly a style I think helped the title. I wish they tried a more stylish art style to emulate the vibe of the original series.
As an original Gen X fan I was excited to see this series resurface and had hoped that it would redeem the sad decline that the original series had taken towards the end. Unfortunately this misses the mark in so many ways. The concept is great, and the series brings back some classic Gen X members, but those are the only positives. The writing is blah and is only made worse by the horrible pencils. Even if you’re a fan of the original, I would still say to pass on this.

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