The Sand Reckoner of Archimedes, Archimedes -

This short treatise of Archimedes on the amount of sand grains which could be contained in the ancient model of the universe is remarkable. It uses some extremely large numbers, given that this was antiquity and Europeans did not yet have the benefit of decimal notation. It also anticipates the method of Calculus measuring by subdivision into very small quanta, in this case grains of sand. Also of interest are Archimedes' (incorrect but informed) estimates of the relative size of the sun, moon and earth. The argument can be followed by anyone who has mastered basic algebra.
The Sand Reckoner of Archimedes, Archimedes -
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Tags : The Sand Reckoner of Archimedes - Kindle edition by Archimedes. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Sand Reckoner of Archimedes.,ebook,Archimedes,The Sand Reckoner of Archimedes,MATHEMATICS Calculus,MATHEMATICS General,MATHEMATICS History & Philosophy
The Sand Reckoner of Archimedes, Archimedes - Reviews
Very cool picture of how one of the greatest minds on the planet at the time viewed our universe!!!
This book would benefit from editing. It has numerous problems, the most notable being wordsstrungtogetherinmanyplaces. That, along with odd pagination, paragraphing, and footnoting, make the book an annoying read. On the other hand, there is enough in there to get a reasonable idea of how Archimedes developed his thesis -- which is to state the number of grains of sand that will fit into the "universe." Somewhere along the way, someone was kind enough to translate from Archimedes's curious number system to modern exponential arithmetic. (What was he to do besides invent his own numbering system? They could only count to a myriad myriad, or 100,000,000, back then.)
I was turned on to Archimedes by reading The Archimedes Codex also purchased from . Though the manuscript gets lost in mathematics, the opening of the book is poignant for its relation of the ancient argument of heliocentricity and the size of the universe. Also in this manuscript, one gets the idea of a basic understanding of physics centuries before Newton with his calculations of center of mass/gravity to be used at determining distances.
The manuscript gets rather deep into the mathematics, so most will find themselves skimming over massive parts; however, I recommend slowing down to try to understand the math to understand the underlying logic of this the most ancient of scientists.

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