AFQT Secrets Study Guide AFQT Exam Review for the Armed Forces Qualification Test eBook AFQT Exam Secrets Test Prep Team

***Includes Practice Test Questions***AFQT Secrets helps you ace the Armed Forces Qualification Test, without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive AFQT Secrets study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. AFQT Secrets includes The 5 Secret Keys to AFQT Success Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; A comprehensive Word Knowledge review including Eliminating Similarities, Mastering the Positive, Reading Between the Lines, Using Type and Topic, Leveraging Your Resources, Understanding Word Strength, Avoiding Familiarity Traps, Determining Relationships, Forming Sentences, Using Replacements; A comprehensive Paragraph Comprehension review including Determining the Relationships, Making Strategic Eliminations, Recognizing Switchback Words, Understanding Word Types, Finding the Right Opportunities, When Truth Doesn't Equal Correctness, Avoiding the Trap of Familiarity, Making Logic Work for You, Skimming Techniques to Save Time; A comprehensive Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge review including The Easiest Math Review You'll Ever Read, Solving for Variables, Breezing Through Word Problems, Keeping Probability Simple, Using the Right Formulas, Graphing for Success, Racing Through Ratios, Understanding Line Plotting, Mastering Difficult Problems, and much more...
AFQT Secrets Study Guide AFQT Exam Review for the Armed Forces Qualification Test eBook AFQT Exam Secrets Test Prep Team
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AFQT Secrets Study Guide AFQT Exam Review for the Armed Forces Qualification Test eBook AFQT Exam Secrets Test Prep Team Reviews
My daughter bought this book to study for her ASVAB test. She took it the first time and did not get the score she needed. So she got this book to help her study and to raise her score. She took her test again and her score raised 14 points. I recommend this book to those that need help studying or need a higher score. The book has a lot of information about the test and has practice questions as well. Overall, the book is very useful for those who want to do well on the ASVAB.
The study guide is very helpful and easy to understand. Would recommend this to anyone taking the AFOQT.
Haven't had the chance to study too much due to my final class before earning a dual masters, but it's way so much better than past study material I've tried. For now I'd say 4/5
The book is very helpful, I'm learning not to just jump into things and read carefully. It has also taught me some new vocabulary and I'm currently learning about this plane on axis thing in directions.
I tutor many students for the ASVAB and am familiar with most of the test prep ones being sold.
There isn't enough organization of the topics. Page after page is text only with no breakdown into sections. This makes it hard to read and doesn't hold your attention. No practice problems provided.
As Always, Dependable, and arrived as promised! The Best!!!
I purchased this for my son who wanted to join the USAF in 2012 - his high school study skills were a bit lacking and I thought this would give him a helping hand. My son needed to score at least a 60 on his exam - on a practice test he scored 65, after using this guide he scored 80 on his final exam.
Well worth it!!!! He is happily serving in the USAF -)
Very helpful book

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