Infinite Jest A Novel David Foster Wallace 9780316921176 Books

Infinite Jest A Novel David Foster Wallace 9780316921176 Books
Wow. I guess I must start by confessing that I'm clearly not intelligent enough to fully understand and enjoy this novel. To be more accurate, I may have the innate intelligence to do so, but am not willing to invest the time necessary. Suffice it to say that David Foster Wallace is one highly evolved human being.That having been said, despite the fact that I was frequently adrift while working my way through what can be some pretty dense prose, there were kernels of brilliance that even I was able to appreciate. The writing is magnificent and much of the underlying story (consisting of numerous threads, some of which I could not, for the life of me, connect until near the end of the book) is highly entertaining. There are frequent references to organizations, acronyms and events which make absolutely no sense for hundreds of pages until an information dump occurs which suddenly brings things into sharp focus.
For example, reference is early and often made to the Great Concavity. By context, it slowly becomes clear that the term refers to some sort of territorial dispute between U.S. and Canada. Finally, round about page 450, the entire history is hashed out in a very entertaining and illuminating fashion.
The focus of the novel is a Boston tennis academy, the Incandenza family which founded the academy and whose children have passed through it, or are currently involved with it, and a nearby substance abuse treatment facility. The story line jumps back and forth in and among several different story threads involving members of the Incandenza family, unrelated nearby residents and still other seemingly unconnected individuals and organizations.
In Wallace's wacky alternate reality, the United States has elected an insane Vegas performer as President and the countries of Canada, Mexico and the U. S. have merged into a union of sorts. The northeastern U. S. is ceded to Canada and used as a giant landfill for hazardous waste. Through this backdrop is floating an incapacitating video, possession of which is greatly valued and sought by a Canadian (Quebecois) separatist group consisting of wheelchair bound amputees. Wallace's world is at times bizarre, at others ridiculous and at still others, prescient.
In what seems to be a trend among some of my more recently read novels, the book contains copious endnotes which run for pages at a time and contain the most bizarre and seemingly random information. In any event, the book is certainly unusual and at times brilliant. Even when read in a cursory manner, this book is a project.

Tags : Infinite Jest: A Novel [David Foster Wallace] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Set in the near future in a addicts' halfway house and a tennis academy, a moving novel explores a world of drug abuse,David Foster Wallace,Infinite Jest: A Novel,Back Bay Books,0316921173,Fiction,Fiction - General,Fiction General,General,General & Literary Fiction,Modern fiction,Popular American Fiction
Infinite Jest A Novel David Foster Wallace 9780316921176 Books Reviews
I feel like there's been so much written about this book, that it almost seems impossible to try to add anything new to this discussion. However, I will try to lay out reasons to buy/not buy this book as well as a few things people might want to know before jumping into this kind of commitment. INFINITE JEST isn't for everyone, and I don't mean that in a condescending or patronizing way it will certainly appeal to some people's sensibilities much more than others.
###Here's What You Need to Know###
David Foster Wallace's INFINITE JEST is a postmodern novel with a premodern message. Wallace, who railed against irony, wanted to be sincere in his writing. So while this book does contain many postmodern conventions, its ideas about humanity aren't postmodern at all. I think many people were disappointed that the book is "about addiction, and that's all you need to know," but there is much more to this book, and there's much more that Wallace has to say. Some of these messages are delivered with a heavy hand, and that's fine Wallace wanted to be sincere, and he wouldn't want to dull his insights by distancing himself from them via irony or whatever else.
This book is indeed incredibly long. INFINITE JEST is notoriously known for being a long book - it's just shy of 1100 pages. Stephen King's THE STAND (uncut edition) and George R.R. Martin's STORM OF SWORDS are longer this, but I was able to clear those books much quicker than David Foster Wallace's second novel. I'm a very slow reader, and I was able to read INFINITE JEST in about two months, without taking into account the time I spent reading two shorter novels by different authors.
This book is indeed incredibly verbose. As a way to rage against the rising popularity of minimalist writing in the 1980's, Wallace found himself moving towards a brand of writing that captured everything every thought, every action, every detail. His maximalist writing can be hard to get through at time there's an extended passage detailing a tennis academy's design that seems to go on forever. The discussion of an invented game that involves intermediate calculus to keep score reaches across dozens of pages. Wallace sought to capture everything.
Everything you heard about the endnotes is true. The narration of the book is frequented interrupted with endnotes (different from footnotes), some of which span a dozen pages and contain their own endnotes. These asides are not optional plot details are frequently hinted at or exposed in these interludes.
READ THIS ON KINDLE IF YOU CAN. I want to stress this point reading INFINITE JEST is much easier on an eReader for a few reasons. With , the hassle of flipping back to the endnotes is a burden made much lighter. Each note is hyperlinked to its corresponding section to the back. It's also really easy to highlight, bookmark, make notes of certain areas to revisit if you need. Some important plot elements are given only once in passing, so marking these areas is helpful, and makes the task really simple. The weight of this mammoth book is also erased with the electronic copy. There are two complaints about the version however 1) it's not a real book, and I prefer handling most books (I think we all kind of do, right?) and 2) if you close the eReader while you are in the endnotes, your will recognize that page as being the further point you've read to. Remedying this situation isn't hard; you'll just need to log onto and clear your furthest-page-read, but it is a bit annoying.
###Here's Why You Should Buy This Book###
Some of the passages in this novel rank among my favorite all-time sections of writing. While Wallace can be verbose, it can lead to some of the most inventive and poetic turns of phrase. I found myself going back and re-reading many moments as soon as I finished them and highlighting them for later use (I rarely ever do this).
This book is funny, sad, smart, and silly. INFINITE JEST really runs the gamut in terms of emotions that it evokes. I've seen many readers talk about how funny it is, and others that focus on how tragic it is. There are moments in this book that I still reflect on and laugh out loud. There are moments that, when I think about them, make me want to cry. There are even moments in this that give me the goosebumps imagining how horrifying they would be.
INFINITE JEST is filled with tons of ideas and tons of characters. Readers will spend a lot of time with the characters here, and almost all of them are interesting. Some of them are fun, and some of them are despicable. Mario Incandenza ranks among one of my favorite characters in literature. Additionally, this book is full of ideas about addiction, entertainment, society, family, imperialism, Quebec separatism, and tennis. There's a lot of great insight spread out across the novel's length. There's not a ton of plotting to INFINITE JEST, but it's alright these characters are often compelling enough that readers will want to spend their time with them.
It seems that half of the reason to read INFINITE JEST lies merely in the act of doing it. Most people bail on the book midway through, so finishing the novel is seen as a sort of accomplishment in some circles.
###Here's Why You Should Pass on This Book###
This book is too long. It surprised me to learn that INFINITE JEST had an editor and that sections of the book were excised. There are some stretches where not much seems to happen and no new insights are made. Most books leave me wanting the ending to go on and on forever, but there were times where I was just ready for this novel to be over (strangely enough, not at the ending though).
INFINITE JEST is wildly inconsistent. It probably comes with the territory of maximalist writing, but while some passages of writing are fantastic, some passages are equally dull. While I loved the book, I think it would be hard to argue that this novel is a solid, consistent work. Additionally, the novel frequently jumps (apropos of nothing) to different characters and different times and different settings. The narrative might be dealing with Hal Incandenza at a Boston tennis academy in the future only to suddenly (with, granted a line break) focus on a glimpse of his father in the 1970's. Even more additionally, the writing style changes frequently.
The use of styles can be jarring. I ended up liking this point, but I feel that I may be in the minority on this. Early in the book, an essay written by one of the characters (in high school) is recounted in full. Later, we are treated to stream-of-consciousness via a character we are not familiar with. Later, there are dozens of pages with nothing but dialog (literally, not figuratively), and some passages that are completely without dialog.
There's not much plot here. I haven't talked much about the plot in the above content because there's just not that much to talk about. The premise is a filmmaker created a video that is so enjoyable, people can't turn away from it or think about anything else. Most of this book focuses in on its settings and characters to make its points.
###Overall... ###
Overall, I gotta say, even for all of its flaws, I really enjoyed INFINITE JEST. Some of the reviewers that rated this book poorly have good points to make, and I would recommend reading these reviews before making the plunge on buying this book. At the end of the day though, if you enjoy postmodern fiction, INFINITE JEST is definitely an experience worth trying.
Wow. I guess I must start by confessing that I'm clearly not intelligent enough to fully understand and enjoy this novel. To be more accurate, I may have the innate intelligence to do so, but am not willing to invest the time necessary. Suffice it to say that David Foster Wallace is one highly evolved human being.
That having been said, despite the fact that I was frequently adrift while working my way through what can be some pretty dense prose, there were kernels of brilliance that even I was able to appreciate. The writing is magnificent and much of the underlying story (consisting of numerous threads, some of which I could not, for the life of me, connect until near the end of the book) is highly entertaining. There are frequent references to organizations, acronyms and events which make absolutely no sense for hundreds of pages until an information dump occurs which suddenly brings things into sharp focus.
For example, reference is early and often made to the Great Concavity. By context, it slowly becomes clear that the term refers to some sort of territorial dispute between U.S. and Canada. Finally, round about page 450, the entire history is hashed out in a very entertaining and illuminating fashion.
The focus of the novel is a Boston tennis academy, the Incandenza family which founded the academy and whose children have passed through it, or are currently involved with it, and a nearby substance abuse treatment facility. The story line jumps back and forth in and among several different story threads involving members of the Incandenza family, unrelated nearby residents and still other seemingly unconnected individuals and organizations.
In Wallace's wacky alternate reality, the United States has elected an insane Vegas performer as President and the countries of Canada, Mexico and the U. S. have merged into a union of sorts. The northeastern U. S. is ceded to Canada and used as a giant landfill for hazardous waste. Through this backdrop is floating an incapacitating video, possession of which is greatly valued and sought by a Canadian (Quebecois) separatist group consisting of wheelchair bound amputees. Wallace's world is at times bizarre, at others ridiculous and at still others, prescient.
In what seems to be a trend among some of my more recently read novels, the book contains copious endnotes which run for pages at a time and contain the most bizarre and seemingly random information. In any event, the book is certainly unusual and at times brilliant. Even when read in a cursory manner, this book is a project.

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