Bullet Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Laurell K Hamilton 9780425234334 Books

Bullet Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Laurell K Hamilton 9780425234334 Books
I really just don't get what it is about this series that people seem to love complaining about. Seriously folks, if you don't enjoy the books, why do you BUY and READ them? Anita like all of us has grown and changed over the course of the last 19 books. Did you really expect her to stay the same? That being said...I was very pleased to see LKH cleaning up some long overdue character issues (Richard/Asher) and opening the way for what I hope will be a great new direction for Anita and her family. Thank God they finally remodelled the underground!
This book is more a transitional book, not a complete beginning, middle and end in and of itself. It's more like the end of one book and the beginning of the next. If you've already been reading the Anita series and actually like it, then you'll really like the direction she's going. If you've not read Anita before, then start at the beginning! (Guilty Pleasures)
BTW, totally thrilled that Ace/Penguin and Amazon got over thier feud. I don't mind paying a bit more for the books. It is a shame that this particular publisher has the majority of the paranormal/suspense/romance market so the $9.99 issue held up some really anxiously anticipated books. As long as I'm not paying the same for my Kindle version as a hardcover or paperback I'm happy.

Tags : Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter) [Laurell K. Hamilton] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Rare Book,Laurell K. Hamilton,Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter),Berkley,0425234339,FIC009010,Romance - Paranormal,Blake, Anita (Fictitious character);Fiction.,Vampires;Fiction.,Werewolves;Fiction.,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,Blake, Anita (Fictitious character),FICTION Fantasy Contemporary,Fantasy,Fantasy - Contemporary,Fiction,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction Romance Paranormal General,Fiction-Fantasy,GENERAL,General Adult,HAMILTON, LAURELL K.- PROSE & CRITICISM,Monograph Series, any,United States,Vampires,Werewolves
Bullet Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Laurell K Hamilton 9780425234334 Books Reviews
Mommy Dearest is back in Bullet. In this one Anita and all her men are up against the council who have been taken over by mommy dearest and she is trying to kill Anita bc she has not been able to take her over by her self. We also learn that the golden tigers are still out there and they are coming to St. Louis to be with Anita. This is good a good book and part of a good series.
So this book was great for the basic storyline and to connect the before and after books, but 70% of it could be erased and we'd be left with the same substance plus some sex fluff. I skipped this and about 7 other books because although I love a good sex scene (and these weren't that good... basic smut), I still like substance to my "no thinking required" books. I have finally gone back to pick up these missing links and have resigned myself to just get past the cheap sex. If you read Laurell for smut, this should work for you. If you follow the story, yuppie can pick up a few gems in here. She's talented, but I think she was distracted and under pressure to meet deadlines.
I've read all of Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake, the Vampire Hunter and Merry Gentry series books several times. I have them in hardback and paperback. Now I'm getting them in ebook, kindle form. The books are so entertaining that each time I read them I admire the author more. So creative, fun, detailed, exciting and fast paced. I know the books but each reread is still amazing and engrossing. This book is the starting point of Anita excepting the ardeur because of the power she gains from it to help those she loves. When she isn't fighting bigots, chauvinist and her inner demons she's kicking bad little vampire butts because she's the Vampire Executioner.
I almost always enjoy Anita Blake books, and this was was no exception. I've read this one several times over the years and still am engaged in the story as an observer, feeling a lot of Anita's angst about the changes and decisions she's forced to make, and watching her mature as a necromancer and a woman. The European Contingent arrives earlier than plans and chaos and havoc ensue. A shapeshifting foreigner is serially killing people.A
And Richard continues to be so self-interest that he nearly is responsible for other's deaths. Other than a bit too much detail in the intimate scenes, the book is a great addition to Anita's life story.
In the beginning I just loved Anita and her stories. The last 6-7 books have been utterly disappointing. Bullet, is in my opinion, the worst of them all. The character arc Hamilton has made my beloved Anita go through is terrible. There was one sex scene in this book that literally took up 25% of the entire book!!!! And then right after there were about 10 pages describing what everyone was wearing after they showered. The latest books in this series are a hypersexed romance novel with some scant police work thrown in as an afterthought. It doesn't matter how gorgeous everyone involved is, I feel really bad for Anita having to be screwing so many people constantly. And the fact that Anita is "deeply in love" with so many people at one time is ridiculous, given her initial personality. Jean Claude, Richard, Asher, Micah, and Nathaniel. Good lord, I understand maybe loving two at one time, but no one can be "in love" with that many all at once.
Hamilton should retire this series,,,or start writing them like she did in the beginning. I miss Anita describing Edward flamethrowing some rogue vamp to death, or raising an entire cemetery of zombies. I understand giving Anita ONE person finally to love, but to have her constantly sleeping in a naked pile of people because it's a metaphysical "need" is abhorrent to me. If early Anita met her own author, I bet she'd kick Hamilton's rear end.
I've read Hamilton being annoyed with people's recent critiques on her work. Don't care, lady. Stop doing this to my Anita.
I've read all the preceding books in the series and this one was the worst of the lot. Unfortunately, the series has drifted away from its mystery/action core and settled into more of a pornographic series. The emphasis is less on the character, less on what seems to have been the overall plot, and more on the sex and the heroines inner struggles over her many relationships. All to say, boring and tiresome. And from the reviews of the following titles in this series, the porno focus continues to grow while all other plot lines diminish. So, I'm finished with this series.
I really just don't get what it is about this series that people seem to love complaining about. Seriously folks, if you don't enjoy the books, why do you BUY and READ them? Anita like all of us has grown and changed over the course of the last 19 books. Did you really expect her to stay the same? That being said...
I was very pleased to see LKH cleaning up some long overdue character issues (Richard/Asher) and opening the way for what I hope will be a great new direction for Anita and her family. Thank God they finally remodelled the underground!
This book is more a transitional book, not a complete beginning, middle and end in and of itself. It's more like the end of one book and the beginning of the next. If you've already been reading the Anita series and actually like it, then you'll really like the direction she's going. If you've not read Anita before, then start at the beginning! (Guilty Pleasures)
BTW, totally thrilled that Ace/Penguin and got over thier feud. I don't mind paying a bit more for the books. It is a shame that this particular publisher has the majority of the paranormal/suspense/romance market so the $9.99 issue held up some really anxiously anticipated books. As long as I'm not paying the same for my version as a hardcover or paperback I'm happy.

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