Tall Dark Lonely A Pyte Series Novel RL Mathewson 9780983212522 Books

Tall Dark Lonely A Pyte Series Novel RL Mathewson 9780983212522 Books
Madison has uprooted her brother and sisters after her mother derails her life once again. Madison's mother was never a mother, a woman who flung from man to man leaving her kids on their own, Madison raised her siblings always putting her own needs aside. Now moving to her Grandmothers in New Hampshire, she is hoping that she might be able to get some support.Detective Ephraim Williams has been living in the boarding house for years, Ephraim doesn't attach himself to anyone not after centuries of being alone. As a Pyte he is a mix between vampire and human and despite efforts over the years to kill him, he can't die. When he meets Madison, he is immediately attracted and knows he needs to stay away from her. However, he can't he wants Madison but could she accept him for who he is and with danger lurking he feels the need to protect what he is beginning to think of as his family.
I liked this one but thought at times it was a bit angsty. Madison is an interesting character but at times I think she was a bit immature when it came to Ephraim. I liked Ephraim a lot, he is a big alpha male who questions himself initially with Madison but once he makes a decision he is a force to be reckoned with. Great read.

Tags : Tall, Dark & Lonely: A Pyte Series Novel [R.L. Mathewson] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Things are finally looking up for Madison. After years of scraping just to get by she lands her dream job and finally has a decent down payment for a house so she can move her brother and sister into a real home. It's too bad nothing ever goes the way it's supposed to. When the mother that abandoned them years ago suddenly shows up and moves them to New Hampshire Madison has no choice but to go or lose the siblings who are more like children to her. Shoving her dreams aside yet again Madison tries to make a life for her siblings only to find that nothing is going the way it should. It's really cold,R.L. Mathewson,Tall, Dark & Lonely: A Pyte Series Novel,R. L. Mathewson,098321252X,FICTION Romance Paranormal
Tall Dark Lonely A Pyte Series Novel RL Mathewson 9780983212522 Books Reviews
I have to start by saying that I've really liked most of Mathewson's books. But her characters can be pretty outrageous, verging on obnoxious. In this book, I didn't really like either of the main characters. Madison was irritating. Ephraim made some stupid, nonsensical choices. And Candy was just terrible. A villain is important to a story, but all the child abuse was too much.
Also, the editing was BAD. This book desperately needed punctuation, and it was distracting. (
I managed to pick this one up awhile back when it was a freebie and it languished in my TBR for quite some time. I finally dug it out and when I realized it was a bit longer read (over 6700 locations) I 'gave myself permission' to quit if I didn't like it. Well, I finished it.
The book definitely has some flaws that would have likely been improved by a tighter editing, however at the heart of it were two very interesting people who sucked me deeply into the story in the first chapters. There was a bit of 'and the kitchen sink' thrown in in terms of plot points, but I did chalk some of that up to the world building as there is at least one sequel. However, as the story progressed it did lose a little of the tightness at the beginning. Given some rather abrupt seeming jumps in time and perspective it almost felt like perhaps this had started off as a series of novellas that were then melded into a full book.
Other reviewers have noted, and I would reiterate, that some of the word choices, grammar/punctuation/capitalization errors were a bit much. In general I can overlook a few, but there were just enough to pull me out of the story at times. Particularly bothersome to me is the occasional (I think twice at least) lack of capitalizations--my grammar skills are far from a mastery level so if something looks odd perhaps it's my own ignorance, however...the capitalization errors do bug me ('states' when it's really States, as in 'returned to the States from overseas'). Not earth-shattering, but indeed something to notice. For those who are more grammatically inclined these might be deal breakers.
The thing that bugged me the most however is that I have a new author to add to my 'needs to check an anatomy textbook' list with regards to the hymen. It's just not all that far inside...yes there are anatomical differences, but still. Let's just say the hymen in this story had a bit more of a starring role so I wish the description of activities did not imply that the darn thing is that far inside. If you're in, you're in...this in-but-only-an-inch-so-it-doesn't-count thing is annoying. As for the uber-thick version our heroine is blessed with, honestly I felt as though we were reading about a septum not a hymen.
At this point my rating is a bit difficult. The story started off as a clear 5 even for me, but the point of view changes, the jumps in time, grammar issues, and that darn hymen, started pulling it down for me. Ultimately there is some really good story present and on the assumption the author will improve (or perhaps get better editing) I am very interested in seeing how this world unfolds--I bought the sequel when I was about a third done. I'm forgiving the excessive plot elements as many first books do a bit of that in their world building--not that it has to be done that way, but I can forgive that one if the next books show it was worthwhile. Given the promise shown I think this could end up as quite a fine series.
I am looking forward to the next story and I do recommend giving this one a try!
The story itself is worth two stars... but everything else was atrocious. So many missing words, typos, punctuation errors etc. I can overlook mistakes here and there, but there is no way any editing was done to this book. It was awful. The last two things that annoyed me (and this might just be a 'me' thing) was that in the middle of a paragraph it changes to a different person's perspective. One minute I was in Madison's head and the next I was Ephraim or some other character. It completely takes me out of the moment. And finally, it was too long. I skimmed the last 15% or so. I will not be reading the rest of the series. I see editing doesn't get any better so it's just not worth it. If the author expects readers to pay for their work, then said author needs to be willing to put in the time and effort to make it readable.
I love RL Mathewson books. The neighbors from hell series is one of my favorites. This story was good and I liked the characters but for the love of Pete, did anyone read this book before publishing? The typos were horrible, numerous and down right distracting. It became so annoying that I was losing my love for the story. It's a story of a vampire falling for a human. It's a good story and I really liked it but whoever was paid to edit this book, should refund the money.
Madison has uprooted her brother and sisters after her mother derails her life once again. Madison's mother was never a mother, a woman who flung from man to man leaving her kids on their own, Madison raised her siblings always putting her own needs aside. Now moving to her Grandmothers in New Hampshire, she is hoping that she might be able to get some support.
Detective Ephraim Williams has been living in the boarding house for years, Ephraim doesn't attach himself to anyone not after centuries of being alone. As a Pyte he is a mix between vampire and human and despite efforts over the years to kill him, he can't die. When he meets Madison, he is immediately attracted and knows he needs to stay away from her. However, he can't he wants Madison but could she accept him for who he is and with danger lurking he feels the need to protect what he is beginning to think of as his family.
I liked this one but thought at times it was a bit angsty. Madison is an interesting character but at times I think she was a bit immature when it came to Ephraim. I liked Ephraim a lot, he is a big alpha male who questions himself initially with Madison but once he makes a decision he is a force to be reckoned with. Great read.

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