The Alchemyst Michael Scott 9780552562522 Books

The Alchemyst Michael Scott 9780552562522 Books
This book begins well enough, and the writing flows at an OK pace - I agree that there is some OVER mentioning of things through out the story, but I guess i started to tune out certain parts of the story to go along with the major part of the tale - I enjoy the amalgamation of Myth and History in a modern day - I enjoyed the read but I did not LOVE it - I may continue to read this series at a later date, but only if I can find the next few books cheap and used - this is not worth the newsstand price in full - however, it was entertaining enough to finish, I just do not feel like there was anything new offered - just a story with others myths thrown in with a new twist, in that they are "real" and what-not - over-all, I give it a three out of five due to being different, just not "unique".
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The Alchemyst Michael Scott 9780552562522 Books Reviews
I really love the unique approach at historical fiction combined with science fiction and fantasy in this book. Things like immortal humans, vampires and magic are approached with such detail that there is no room for doubt. The characters have a solid level of development to them and are pretty easy to relate to. I find myself disliking Nicholas Flamel though because he’s not very forthcoming with information, which frustrates me given the situation in which he finds himself.
I love the connection that Sophie and Josh have throughout the book, even after Josh begins feeling less important. I’m really happy the author took the time to emphasize how average the two were before that fateful day in the bookshop because it helped keep focus on how lost they are in the world they’ve been thrust into. The story is interesting and moves really well. I had trouble putting it down!
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This is yet another book that has been on my to-read list forever, and I’m so happy I finally got to read it! The first book follows a brother and a sister who are twins — when trying to help out a bookshop owner who seems to be in trouble, they discover that he’s actually Nicholas Flamel, an alchemist who discovered the secret of immortality. Other forces want the secret for themselves and steal the book where everything’s written down. Because the twins helped Nicholas out, they get mixed up in this fight for control and are enlisted to help Nicholas get the book back.
The Alchemyst begins a series of six books, and because of that focuses a lot on worldbuilding and setting up what’s going to be the focus for the rest of the series. So, it’s a bit slow and while there are some moments of action and conflict, a lot of it is exposition. I really like the mythology that’s set up within the story; there are Dark Elders (we think of them as gods) who used to be in power on Earth and want their power back, so they’ve been working with John Dee (another human immortal) to help them take it back — in exchange for tempting rewards for doing so, of course. There are Elders who haven’t turned dark and are happy to leave things as they are, so Nicholas turns to them to help him get the book back so that the world isn’t put in danger.
For mythology buffs, it’s fun to see familiar gods, like Hecate, and read Michael Scott’s vision of how she would live and how her home would look. I also like having the familiar historical figures of Flamel and Dee included in the book. The way that magic works and how it is described is fascinating — I like the idea of magic being an extension of someone’s aura. Overall, this book has interesting ideas and being able to spend time in this world that Scott has created is a joy. However, as first mentioned, it’s a lot of exposition. I wish there were a bit more action or conflict, but hopefully that’ll be present in future books.
As a first book, this is pretty good. It’s not the most enthralling start to a series, but it looks like it’s setting up a really good fantasy story, complete with crazy magic, prophecies, betrayals, etc. I’m excited to see how it’s all going to turn out and am very much looking forward to the sequels. I can’t say whether this is a must-read series or not, but it’s looking promising.
The Alchemist is just one book of this remarkable series of books, and it is better to comment on the whole series as I just finished reading them all, back to back. I'm 76, been reading sci fi and fantasy since I was 12 or so, that is a slew of books. And that includes all the recent series of books that have been published as "young adult" literature, and I have found them all entertaining reading. And, I have to put this series by Michael Scott at the top of the list, more interesting characters, more twists and turns and surprize in the plot that you can imagine, and not a dull moment through the whole series. I really recommend them if you have any taste at all for this kind of literature. Just give yourself some space to read, once you start, it is very difficult to stop. Enjoy!
This book begins well enough, and the writing flows at an OK pace - I agree that there is some OVER mentioning of things through out the story, but I guess i started to tune out certain parts of the story to go along with the major part of the tale - I enjoy the amalgamation of Myth and History in a modern day - I enjoyed the read but I did not LOVE it - I may continue to read this series at a later date, but only if I can find the next few books cheap and used - this is not worth the newsstand price in full - however, it was entertaining enough to finish, I just do not feel like there was anything new offered - just a story with others myths thrown in with a new twist, in that they are "real" and what-not - over-all, I give it a three out of five due to being different, just not "unique".

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